Kiplinger-BBB Personal Finance Guide for Military Families

by | Feb 11, 2009 | New Projects

This publication we designed for Kiplinger and the BBB is being distributed to U.S. military servicemembers around the world. The goal is to present them with practical, easy-to-understand information about being financially prepared for deployment, buying a home, minimizing taxes, holding down insurance costs, and avoiding financial schemes that too often target military families. Because the audience is young, and is often bombarded with dull military publications, we created a publication that is bright, colorful, and lively, and doesn’t yell “financial.”

Guide author Kim Lankford says, “The colorful and contemporary cover pops out amidst the drab military publications that most servicemembers receive, and the silhouette helps families of all ages identify with the publication, which can be a challenge with personal-finance guides. Inside, his smooth and streamlined design helped us include a lot of information in a clear and inviting way. Cool details, such as the recurring colorful arrow logo, bring all sections of the booklet together as a cohesive whole. Dan’s design adds excitement to the publication and helps attract readers of all ages. Plus, Dan is great to work with—he brought so much energy to the entire project.”