
‘Among the Ancients’ Cover

‘Among the Ancients’ Cover

We're currently immersed in the design of the first book to be published by our sister company, Ruka Press. The book is titled Among the Ancients:...

New Red Cell Books

New Red Cell Books

We've recently completed two books for the same client, Red Cell Publishing, for which we recently won an award. The first, Iran's Dirty Banking,...

Ruka Press Signs Author Joan Maloof

Our sister company, Ruka Press, has signed its first author, Dr. Joan Maloof. The details are over on that site. We're starting up the design of the...

Tainted Money Cover Wins Award

The cover we designed last year for Avi Jorisch's book Tainted Money, highlighted here, has won an award in the Washington Book Publishers' annual...

Some Thoughts for Earth Day

Some Thoughts for Earth Day

Online media may be less green than print, thanks to mountaintop removal. Photo by Unanimousgraphics / CC BY 2.0 For the 40th anniversary of Earth...

A New Venture for a New Decade

A New Venture for a New Decade

The new decade is here, and we at Sensical Design & Communication have decided to start it out by launching a new venture. We've had a great...

AIGA Salon on Sustainable Design

I will be moderating an AIGA DC Salon on the Living Principles of Sustainable Design on December 9. In this members-only Salon, we will review...

Refreshing the Brand

As you can see (if you've been here before), we’ve changed the design of the Website. Let's call it Sensical 2.1. After a year with the previous...