
Some Book Interiors

Over the last few months, we worked on a couple of complex book interior designs that are worthy of note. Sample images are at right (or above, if you're on a small screen), and if you tap on them you can see them larger. The first two images are from the book...

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Big Butts, Fat Thighs Book Cover

At right is the cover for the book Big Butts, Fat Thighs, and Other Secrets to Success by Laura Black. This self-help book for professional women is self-published by the author, who hired Sensical Design to produce it. She gave us a fairly specific brief for the...

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Cover for Horseshoe Crab

At right is a first look at the cover to the new Ruka Press book Horseshoe Crab: Biography of a Survivor by Anthony D. Fredericks, which will be released in May. The book is an entertaining look at the natural history and ecological niche of the horseshoe crab, a...

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A Guide to Studying Abroad

We recently designed this cover for My Second Campus: The Independent Almanac of Study Abroad Programs. This new book offers a comprehensive listing of study abroad programs associated with colleges in New England. The interior is data rich and complex, requiring...

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Cerulean Blues from Ruka Press

At right is the cover of the second book from our publishing arm, Ruka Press: Cerulean Blues: A Personal Search for A Vanishing Songbird by Katie Fallon. Cerulean Blues describes the plight of the cerulean warbler, a tiny migratory songbird, and its struggle to...

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‘Among the Ancients’ Cover

We're currently immersed in the design of the first book to be published by our sister company, Ruka Press. The book is titled Among the Ancients: Adventures in the Eastern Old-Growth Forests. We designed a number of different cover choices, and last month put the...

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New Red Cell Books

We've recently completed two books for the same client, Red Cell Publishing, for which we recently won an award. The first, Iran's Dirty Banking, delves into the Iranian government's attempts to skirt monetary sanctions, and names the foreign and U.S. banks that are...

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Tainted Money

Tainted Money At right is the cover for the book Tainted Money: Are We Losing the War on Money Laundering and Terrorism Finance? by Avi Jorisch. This book about money laundering and terrorism financing is primarily intended for a readership of policy makers,...

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Judging the Washington Book Awards

I was honored to be part of a panel of judges this spring for the Washington Book Publishers' Design and Effectiveness Awards. This annual competition showcases the best in DC-area book design (Sensical Design received an award last year). The four-judge panel is...

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The FDA Advisory Committee Survival Manual

The FDA Advisory Committee Survival Manual We've just completed a new book for 3D Communications in Bethesda. This is a specialized, technical book that leads readers through a key part of the approval process for new drugs and medical devices. The book is 172 pages,...

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